EMT v2.07.00 Beta Released

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EMT v2.07.00 Beta Released
Added QCOM Flasher & Optimize firehose protocol
Created time: 2020/01/03

!!! WARNING: Do not use the third-party software to debug EMT software, which will result in the block your account permanent !!!

Added Qualcomm Module (Firehose Protocol) Flash Function, Supported Skip Security Partitions and Skip Userdata Partition while flashing!
Optimized the Qualcomm Firehose Protocol of each module, Solve the problem of communication failure caused by memory type unrecognized of some models!

General Module:
  • > ADD: Banner to Home/Account Tab, used to push software related tutorials, case, news and other information
  • > FIX: Qualcomm firehose protocol of each module, solve the problem of communication failure caused by memory type unrecognized of some models
  • > FIX:  the "Partitions" tab of each module was rename as the "Flash" tab name, the operation method of Read/Erase/Write Partition same as before
VIVO Module:
  • > FIX: the "Reset FRP" function bugs of Vivo module (Qualcomm/MTK protocol)
Qualcomm Module:
  • > ADD: Flash function of qualcomm module, supported skip security partitions and skip userdata partition while flashing
  1. - Skip Security Partitions: Skip NVM partitions while flashing, prevent imei losing problem caused by write nvm partitions
  2. - Skip Userdata Partiton: Skip Userdata partition, prevent userdata losing problem caused by write userdata partition
  • > ADD: Specify the  memory type (eMMC/UFS) for communication, Solve the problem of communication failure caused by memory type unrecognized of some models
  1. - Default memory type is "Auto" can be compatible most of models, only specify the memory type mannually when communication failure
Information :
* The flash process of qualcomm module (Firehose protocol):
  1. Select programmer file (Select "Other" or copy file to X:\EMT\Data\Qualcomm\Qloader\ directory)
  2. Select "Rawprogram*.xml"
  3. Select "Patch*.xml"
  4. Press "Write"
  5. Enter Qualcomm EDL/9008 mode, connect USB Cable (install drivers)
  6. Waiting for the operation to complete

EMT Dongle Setup
EMT v2.07.00 Beta Released GDrive
EMT v2.07.00 Beta Released Mediafire

EMT Support Download
EMT Dongle Support Mediafire
EMT Dongle Support Baidu
EMT Dongle Support WeiYun


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