Xiaomi News [Attention to the Master Class] Sponsored by DTPro Tool

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Xiaomi News
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Skip auth It is the process carried out to Skip the official authentication.
As everyone knows, to Flash a Xiaomi Device (New Generation) We must have the bootloader Unlocked or perform Official authentication.

(1)To Unlock the Bootloader Officially We Need to Wait 8 to 16 Days!
(2)To carry out Official Authentication (Edl) we must pay Credits or Remote Services Not cheap.

The skip auth! It consists of Writing XFiles and making Our Device permissive and thus being able to Flash it in Fastboot Mode
this process is named by many [Temporary Bootloader Unlock]

How does this process help us?
Simple, Once your phone is permissive (Skip Auth Ok!...)
You can flash eng rom (Engineer Firmwares) and already in this Mode you can perform Operations such as IMEI repair, Safe Upgrades among others.

Requirements to Perform Skip Auth
Device Requires ReCovery version 5.0 and Security patch less than 01/10/2022

We, as a professional tool always try to provide you with a complete solution
for this we have uploaded a large number of eng roms [Engineer Firmwares] Tested for the Skip Auth Supported Models.

Many Models of the new Generation of Xioami have their Security type (Hardlocked)
for These Models Reset EFS (Wipe IMEI's) It does not work with traditional commands... You must use the Wipe IME's Option

Which New Generation Models Are Hardlocked?
Among the Hardlocked Models are Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 (Spes), Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 NFC (Spesn),
Xiaomi Redmi 10C (Fog), Xiaomi Mi 11 LE (Lisa), Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE (Lisa)
Among Others... .

Why do we need the Wipe IMEI's option?
This Option is used to repair IMEI's, Write QCN
You must put the Device in Fastboot (Device needs to have Eng Rom Installed)
Press the Wipe IMEI's Option and Enjoy

This thread is Created to Inform New Users that Always Ask Us About this and how it works!

Why is our Software the most stable when performing Skip Auth?
because we do NOT need to download Xpacks from the Server to carry out the process, because we do not need to verify the Region of the Device.
This makes the process simpler and easier! Everything is automatic and our database is local.
All Supported Devices Are Tested One By One, We Do Not Add Generic Solution.

Here you can see the Skip Auth and Flashing process

Let's talk about the New Security.
Any Security patch above 09/29/2022 is considered New Security

What happens if the Device is New Security
The Skip auth is not possible to do it!

It is worth noting that some devices Updated their Security in mid-October
which is why some devices Support Services.
Because it is very difficult for Xiaomi to release a massive update for all devices...
in this case certain Models in certain Regions support Skip AUTH in security patches dated October 2022!

Is there any risk if I try to Skip Auth on a device with new Security?
NO, Our Method is totally Safe! That is why we are the most stable tool for this type of Operations!
If Your device is new Security, Show [Failed to write]

FRP [Factory Reset Protection] Is it possible to remove it?
Yes, Our Software Supports Direct Frp Erase in Mi assistant Mode.
Our Method is 100% Secure and NO need to download packages from the Server to try to perform this type of Operations.

Here you can watch the process!

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